The Artists' I
October 8, 2011 to October 15, 2011
4th Floor Terrace
The Artists' I explores the essence of all things creative that an artist draws upon. Whether the artist is inspired by beauty, a place in time or a particular story, the “I” is the movement of energy that flows from the artist to his or her work. The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photographs, quilts, textiles and mixed media.
Organized by Black Dimensions in Art as part of the MoHU Festival
Related Event:
The Concert for the Artist “I”
October 15, 1-2 p.m.
Location: Adirondack Hall
As part of the Capital District’s MoHu arts festival www.mohufest.com, the Empire State Youth Orchestra Jazz Ensemble and the Tutti Celli Jr. Quartet will perform in conjunction with The Artists’ I art exhibition on the Museum’s fourth floor Terrace Gallery.