ALBANY, NY – Overnight camping will be the theme of the New York State Museum’s next Family Fun Weekend, August 16 and 17.
The Family Fun Weekend takes place from 1- 4 p.m. both days. Activities, which arefree of charge, are held in and around Adirondack Hall, on the Museum’s first floor.
Both days, model camp sites will be set up to help children and their families preparefor an overnight trip. Children will be able to make a craft to take home.
On Sunday only, Leave No Trace, a national organization that acquaints young peoplewith the principles of enjoying the outdoors responsibly, will present materials andgames. Ted Beblowski, a member of the Museum staff who is the state advocate for Leave No Trace, said lessons include the need to recycle and the many years it can takefor materials to decompose when they are disposed of outdoors. He will also use games to illustrate how human interference affects wildlife.
“We want to help people develop ethics around being outside, whether it’s the back country or your own yard,’’ said Beblowski, who leads programs across the state. “The principles of Leave No Trace include helping us to reconnect with wildlife and work with other people.”
Family Fun Weekends offer theme-based family activities on the third weekend of themonth.
The New York State Museum, established in 1836, is a program of the New York StateEducation Department. Located at the Empire State Plaza on Madison Avenue in Albany, the Museum is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Admission is free and the Museum is fully accessible.
Further information about Museum programs and events can be obtained by calling (518) 474-5877 or visiting the Museum Web site at http://www/nysm.gov/calendar.
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