The Tuck High Company store, sold to the New York State Museum in 1980, embodies tens of thousands of stories about what Chinatown was truly about. Jack Tchen, cross-cultural historian and co-founder of the Museum of Chinese in America, will share three stories interweaving the lives of a tea merchant, a “laundryman,” and the Irish “Mayor of Chinatown.”
Jack (John Kuo Wei) Tchen is a historian, curator, dumpster-diver, and teacher surfacing the disappeared stories othered by systems of power and wealth. Dr. Tchen is the Clement A. Price Professor of Public History & Humanities and director of the Price Institute on Ethnicity, Cultures, and the Modern Experience at Rutgers-Newark. He is the founding director of the A/P/A (Asian/Pacific/American) Studies Program and Institute at New York University. This is a joint program of the NYSM and the Archives Partnership Trust.