Casting Her Ballot: Emily Rankin and the Suffrage Question at Historic Cherry Hill

Tour Times Vary (Check Program Description)
Admission Fees & Registration Required

This tour will focus on fifth-generation Cherry Hill owner, Emily Rankin, who came of age as the suffrage debate was raging in New York and the nation. How did Emily’s experiences at Cherry Hill, in Albany, and at Smith College shape her views on this critical issue? Follow Emily’s footsteps on a tour of her home, view her photographs and belongings, and find out which side of the debate she was on.
Space is limited—reservations are recommended.
Call (518) 434-4791 to reserve.

Saturday, March 10: Tours at 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, and 2 pm
Sunday, March 11: Tours at 10 am, 10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am, 12pm and 12:30 pm
Admission: $5/Adults; $4/ Seniors & Students; $2/Children; free/ HCH members | Please pre-register


Emily Rankin

Emily Rankin, courtesy of Historic Cherry Hill