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Lander, D.R., 2014. Vanguard of a Revolution. New York Archives Magazine 13.
Raynor, G.S., Ogden, E.C., Hayes, J.V., 1973. Variation in Ragweed Pollen Concentration to a Height of 108 Meters. Journal Allergy and Clinical Immunology 51, 199-207. doi:10.1016/0091-6749(73)90139-5
Whitney, P.R., 1969. Variations of the K/Rb Ratio in Migmatitic Paragneisses of the Northwest Adirondacks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 33, 1203-1211. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(69)90042-8
Felt, E.P., 1908. Varieties of Tussock Moth. Country Gentleman 73, 1005.
Taylor, N., 1928. The Vegetation of the Allegany State Park, New York State Museum Handbook. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Lintner, J.A., 1895. Vermicides [Insecticides for Vermin]. Country Gentleman 60, 266.
Felt, E.P., 1910. Vermin in the House. Country Gentleman 75, 800.
Steadman, D.W., 1988. Vertebrates from the Late Quaternary Hiscock Site, Genesee County, New York, in: Laub, R.S., Miller, N.G., Steadman, D.W. (Eds.), Late Pleistocene And Early Holocene Paleoecology And Archaeology Of The Eastern Great Lakes Region. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, New York, pp. 95-113.
Felt, E.P., 1898. A Very Different Bug. Country Gentleman 63, 166.
Landing, E., 1991. A View from the Hudson: Hudson-Mohawk Lowlands and Taconic Mountains, in: Isachsen, Y.W., Landing, E., Lauber, J.M., Rickard, L.V., Rogers, W.B. (Eds.), Geology Of New York: A Simplified Account. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 53-65.
Anderson, L.M., 1996. Vine Valley Revisited, in: Lindner, C., Curtin, E.V. (Eds.), A Golden Chronograph For Robert E. Funk. Archaeological Services, Bethlehem, Connecticut, pp. 155-161.
