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Felt, E.P., 1921. Adaptations Among Insects of Field and Forest. The Scientific Monthly 13, 165-170.
Felt, E.P., 1913. Adaptation in Gall Midges. Canadian Entomologist 45, 371-379.
Funk, R.E., Rippeteau, B.E., 1977. Adaptation, Continuity, and Change in Upper Susquehanna Prehistory, Occasional Paper. Man in the Northeast, George's Mill, New Hampshire.
Asch, D.L., 2004. Adair's 'Marsh-mallows': An Eighteenth-Century Native American Cornfield Crop in the Southeastern United States, in: Conrad, L.A., Reyman, J.E. (Eds.), Aboriginal Ritual And Economy In The Eastern Woodlands: Essays In Memory Of Howard Dalton Winters. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville, Illinois, pp. 303-355.
Finley, J.R., 2004. Acrimony in Albany. New York State Archives 2004, 18-21.
