Levels of Competition

Students must first submit their research projects to a regional history day competition. Only projects that earn first and second place in each category in each division (individual and group) will advance to the next level of competition. 

History Day Exhibit
History Day Performance
History Day Performance
History Day Exhibit


Junior Division: 6-8th Grade

Senior Division: 9th- 12th Grade

Entries (Individual and Group Projects)

​​​​​​Individual: Historical Papers MUST be done individually. Students may elect to do an exhibit board, performance, website, or documentary on their own as well.

Group: 2-5 students. Students may work together in groups in all categories except Historical Papers.

Each Project Must Include:  Process Paper and Annotated Bibliography


Judges will complete rubrics to evaluate students work, and select entries to win special prizes and advance to the next level of competition.