2199 Saw Mill River Road
Elmsford, NY 10523
(914) 592-6726
FAX (914) 592-6946
E-mail: info@greaterhudson.org
Priscilla Brendler, Executive Director
Geographic area covered: Hudson Valley counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester, and the greater metropolitan New York region.
Institutional, individual and consultant memberships; professional development workshops, symposia and training; on-line regional resource directory (History Keeper’s Companion: Guide to Sites & Sources of the Hudson Valley and Western Connecticut); in print and on-line newsletter; illustrated Emergency Planning & Recovery resource publications; technical assistance; consultant referrals; peer roundtables; grants information; Annual Meeting, Field Forum; Awards Towards Excellence program; Hudson Valley Documentary Heritage Program services for historical repositories, archives and libraries; Statewide Conservation Treatment Grant Program with NYSCA. Free Consultation: Circut Rider Program