10th Annual Capital Region CANstruction: Let's Eat!
CANstruction is an annual exhibit and design competition that connects talented architects, engineers, contractors, and students to imagine and create colossal structures built completely out of canned food items. This year, fourteen structures will be on display on the State Museum’s 4th Floor Terrace to raise awareness of food insecurity in our region. At the close of the display every can will be distributed among 56 local food pantries through the Food Pantries for the Capital District.
You can provide support too. Bring a canned good with you on your visit to see this year’s structures and drop it into the bin next to your favorite structure. This act will help one team win the coveted People’s Choice Award. Together we are one community and one team.
For more information on CANstruction visit http://capitalregioncanstruction.com/
For more information on The Food Pantries for the Capital District visit http://www.thefoodpantries.org/