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Orser, C.E., 2008. The Archaeology of African American Slave Religion in the Antebellum South, in: Conser, Jr., W.H., Payne, R.M. (Eds.), Southern Crossroads: Perspectives On Religion And Culture. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, Kentucky, pp. 39-62.
Orser, C.E., 2012. An Archaeology of Eurocentrism. American Antiquity 74, 737-755. doi:10.7183/0002-7316.77.4.737
Carr, K.W., Bergman, C.A., Rieth, C.B., Means, B.K., Moeller, R.W. (Eds.), 2020. The Archaeology of Native Americans in Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Ritchie, W.A., 1965. The Archaeology of New York State. Natural History Press, Garden City, New York.
Ritchie, W.A., 1969. The Archaeology of New York State (Revised second edition). Natural History Press, Garden City, New York.
Orser, C.E., 2011. The Archaeology of Poverty and the Poverty of Archaeology. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 15, 533-543.
Fisher, C.L., 1995. The Archaeology of Provincial Officers Huts at Crown Point State Historic Site. Northeast Historical Archaeology 24, 65-86. doi:10.22191/neha/vol24/iss1/6
Lucas, M.T., Schablitsky, J.M. (Eds.), 2017. Archaeology of the War of 1812, paperback. ed. Routledge, New York, New York.
Hutson, S.R., Magnoni, A., Mazeau, D.E., Stanton, T., 2006. The Archaeology of Urban Households at Chunchucmil, Yucatan, Mexico, in: Mathews, J.P., Morrison, B.A. (Eds.), The Northern Lowlands: New Approaches To Archaeology In The Yucatan Peninsula. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, pp. 77-99.
Rieth, C.B., 2011. Archaeology Project Ideas. Newsletter of the New York State Archaeological Association 2-3.
Ritchie, W.A., 1958. Archaeology: Western Hemisphere. Encyclopedia Britannica, Book of the Year 49-51.
Ritchie, W.A., 1958. Archaeology: Western Hemisphere. Britannica Book of the Year: 1957 112-113.
Ritchie, W.A., 1959. Archaeology: Western Hemisphere. Encyclopedia Britannica, Book of the Year 1959, 50-52.
Ritchie, W.A., 1961. Archaeology: Western Hemisphere, in: Encyclopedia Britannica, Book Of The Year. pp. 51-53.
Ritchie, W.A., 1963. Archaeology: Western Hemisphere, in: Encyclopedia Britannica, Book Of The Year. pp. 35-36.
Funk, R.E., Hoagland, H., 1972. An Archaic Camp Site in the Upper Susquehanna Drainage. Bulletin, Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association 56, 11-22.
Ritchie, W.A., 1971. The Archaic in New York. Bulletin, Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association 52, 2-12.
