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Cadwell, D.H., 2001. Summary of Current Research. New York Glaciogram 36, 13.
Cadwell, D.H., Muller, E.H., Fleischer, P.J., 2003. Geomorphic History of New York State, in: Cremeens, D.L., Hart, J.P. (Eds.), Geoarchaeology Of Landscapes In The Glaciated Northeast. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 7-14.
Cadwell, D.H., 1980. Calculation of Rates of Gully Erosion. Journal of Geologic Education 28, 138-140.
Cadwell, D.H., 1986. The Wisconsinan Stage of the First Geological District, Eastern New York; New York, New York State Museum Bulletin. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Cadwell, D.H., Dineen, R.J., 1987. Hudson-Mohawk Sheet. Surficial Geologic Map of New York; New York State Museum.
Cadwell, D.H., Pair, D.L., 1991. Adirondack Sheet. Surficial Geologic Map of New York.
Cantrell, S.A., Haines, J.H., 1997. New Red Species of Lachnum From the Tropics. Mycological Research 101 101, 1081-1084. doi:10.1017/S0953756297003699
Cardinal, J.S., 2019. Sets, Graphs, and Things We Can See: A Formal Combinatorial Ontology for Empirical Intra-Site Analysis. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2, 56 - 78. doi:10.5334/jcaa.16
