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Ritchie, W.A., Funk, R.E., 1973. Aboriginal Settlement Patterns in the Northeast, New York State Museum Memoir. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Asch, D.L., 2004. Adair's 'Marsh-mallows': An Eighteenth-Century Native American Cornfield Crop in the Southeastern United States, in: Conrad, L.A., Reyman, J.E. (Eds.), Aboriginal Ritual And Economy In The Eastern Woodlands: Essays In Memory Of Howard Dalton Winters. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville, Illinois, pp. 303-355.
Funk, R.E., Rippeteau, B.E., 1977. Adaptation, Continuity, and Change in Upper Susquehanna Prehistory, Occasional Paper. Man in the Northeast, George's Mill, New Hampshire.
Hart, J.P., Anderson, L.M., Feranec, R.S., 2011. Additional Evidence for cal. Seventh-Century A.D. Maize Consumption at the Kipp Island Site, New York, in: Rieth, C.B., Hart, J.P. (Eds.), Current Research In New York State Archaeology: A.d. 700-1300. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 27-40.
Ruedemann, R., 1922. Additional Studies in Arrested Evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 8, 54-55.
Kirchman, J.J., Ralston, J., 2016. The Adirondack archipelago. Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies 20, 17-27.
Fisher, D.W., Rickard, L.V., 1953. Age of the Brayman Shale, New York State Museum Circular. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York.
Dermarker, S., Birch, J., Shafie, T., Hart, J.P., Williamson, R.F., 2018. Analyse des réseaux sociaux iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent et paniroquoiens, in: Lesage, L., Richard, J.-F., Bédard-Daigle, A., Gupta, N. (Eds.), Études Multidisciplinaires Sur Les Liens Entre Hurons-Wendat Et Iroquoiens Du Saint-Laurent. Presses de l'Université Laval, Quebec, pp. 86-102.
Millspaugh, J.J., Gitzen, R.A., Belant, L.L., Kays, R.W., Keller, B.J., Kesler, D.C., Rota, C.T., et al., 2012. Analysis of Radiotelemetry Data, in: Silvy, N.J. (Ed.), The Wildlife Techniques Manual: Volume 1 Research. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 480-501.
