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Lintner, J.A., 1887. Aphididae, or Plant Lice. Western New York Horticultural Society Proceedings 32, 85-97.
Felt, E.P., 1898. Aphids in Greenhouse. Country Gentleman 63, 247.
Lintner, J.A., 1877. Aphis in Wheat. Country Gentleman 42, 779.
Sheviak, C.J., Catling, P.M., 2002. Aplectrum, in: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, (Ed.), Magnoliophyta: Liliidae: Liliales And Orchidales. Oxford University Press, New York, New York.
Felt, E.P., 1914. Aplonyx sacrobati n. sp. Pomona College Journal of Entomology and Zoology 6, 93-94.
Pickering, J., Kays, R.W., Meier, A., Andrew, S., Yatskievych, K., Brooks, T., Konstant, W.R., 2002. Appalachian Mountain Wilderness, in: Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., Gil, P.L., Pilgrim, J., Fonseca, G. (Eds.), Wilderness: Earth's Last Wild Places. Conservation International, Washington, D.C.
DeSantis, L.R.G., Dillehay, T.D., Goodbred, S.L., Feranec, R.S., 2017. Appendix 6: Dietary Ecology of Early Peruvians from Huaca Prieta and Paredones: Integrating Stable Isotope and Dental Microwear Texture Analysis, in: Dillehay, T.D. (Ed.), Where The Land Meets The Sea: Fourteen Millennia Of Human Prehistory On The North Coast Of Peru. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, pp. 665-673.
Anonymous, 1850. Appendix D. Additions to the Historical and Antiquarian Collection in the State Cabinet of Natural History (By Donation or Purchase) from January 1, 1849, to January 1, 1850. Third Annual Report of the Regents of the University, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History, and the Historical and Antiquarian Collection, Annexed Thereto 47-60.
Felt, E.P., 1908. Apple and Grape Pests. Country Gentleman 73, 607.
Felt, E.P., 1918. Apple and Thorn Skeletonizer. Cornell Extension Bulletin 27, 143-147.
Lintner, J.A., 1891. Apple Aphis. Country Gentleman 56, 578.
Lintner, J.A., 1878. Apple Bark and Pear Blight Beetles. Country Gentleman 43, 355.
Felt, E.P., 1911. Apple Borers. Country Gentleman 76, 502.
Felt, E.P., 1908. Apple Canker Worms. Country Gentleman 73, 608.
Fitch, A., 1860. The Apple Insect. Country Gentleman 16, 32-33.
Lintner, J.A., 1885. Apple Insects and the Rhinoceros Beetle. Country Gentleman 50, 623.
Lintner, J.A., 1882. Apple Leaf Bucculatrix. Country Gentleman 47, 207.
