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Goldring, W., 1938. An Upper Devonian Species of Aorocrinus. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 27, 109-112.
Goldring, W., 1924. The Upper Devonian Forest of Seed Ferns in. Eastern New York, in: Clarke, J.M. (Ed.), Eighteenth Report Of The Director Of The State Museum Science Department. The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 50-92.
Westrop, S.R., Landing, E., Ludvigsten, R., 1981. Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Biostratigraphy, Jasper National Park, Alberta, The Cambrian System in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British Columbia. Guidebook for Field Trip 2. Golden, Colorado.
Westrop, S.R., Landing, E., Ludvigsten, R., 1981. Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Biostratigraphy, Jasper National Park, Alberta, The Cambrian System in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British Columbia. Guidebook for Field Trip 2. Second International Symposium on the Cambrian System. Golden, Colorado, Golden, Colorado.
Rieth, C.B., 2005. Upland Settlement and Subsistence in New York, in: Nash, C., Barber, M.B. (Eds.), Uplands Archaeology In The East: Symposia Viii And Ix. Archaeological Society of Virginia, Special Publication 38-7, Richmond, Virginia, pp. 3-12.
Rieth, C.B., 2006. Upland Settlement and Subsistence in Eastern New York, in: Nash, C., Barber, J. (Eds.), Proceedings Of The Uplands Archaeology In The East Ix Conference. Archaeological Society of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, pp. 2-15.
Anderson, L.M., 2009. Update on the Schuyler Flats Burial Ground. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 5, 9.
Miller, N.G., 2010. Up in the Air: Aerobiological Discoveries at the New York State Museum. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 6, 13-15.
Funk, R.E., Wellman, B., Elliott, R., 1988. An Unusual Concentration of Biface Blades from Schenectady County, New York. Bulletin, Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association 96, 8-16.
Fitch, A., 1861. (untitled). Country Gentleman 18, 96.
Stoner, D., 1940. Unreported New York State Specimens of Passenger Pigeon. The Auk 57, 415-416. doi:10.2307/4079011
