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Walsh, J.P., Lenig, W., 2010. Not Just Another Pretty Face. Legacy: The Magazine of the New York State Museum 5, 16.
Wall, W.J., Jamnback, H., 1957. Sampling Methods Used in Estimating Larval Populations of Salt-Marsh Tabanids. Journal of Economic Entomology 50, 389-391. doi:10.1093/jee/50.4.389
Waldman, J., Daniels, R.A., Hickerson, M., Wirgin, I., 2009. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Indicates Sea Lampreys Are Indigenous to Lake Ontario: Response to Comment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138, 1190-1197. doi:10.1577/T08-035R.1
Walcott, C.D., 1879. Eggs of the Trilobite. New York State Museum Annual Report 31, 66-67.
Walcott, C.D., 1879. Some Sections of Trilobites from the Trenton Limestone. New York State Museum Annual Report 31, 61-65.
Walcott, C.D., 1879. New Species of Fossils from the Calcif'erous Formation. New York State Museum Annual Report 32, 129-131.
Walcott, C.D., 1879. New Species of Fossils from the Chazy and Trenton Limestones. New York State Museum Annual Report 31, 68-71.
Walcott, C.D., 1884. New Species of Fosslls from the Trenton Group of New York. New York State Museum Annual Report 35, 207-214.
Wagner, D., Ferguson, D., McCabe, T.L., 2001. Geometroid caterpillars of Northeastern and Appalachian Forests, Forest Service Circular. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Versaggi, N., Wurst, L., Madrigal, T.C., Lain, A., 2001. Adding Complexity to Late Archaic Research in the Northeast Appalachians, in: Sullivan, L.P., Prezzano, S.C. (Eds.), Archaeology Of The Appalachian Highlands. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, Tennessee, pp. 121-133.
Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Baird, G.C., 2020. Arc-to-craton: Devonian air-fall tephras in the eastern United States, in: Avary, K.L., Hassen, K.O., Diecchio, R.J. (Eds.), The Appalachian Geology Of John M. Dennison: Rocks, People, And A Few Good Restaurants Along The Way. Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 35-54. doi:10.1130/2020.2545(03)
