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Author Title [ Year(Desc)]
Hall, J., 1837. Ores of Iron [of the second geological district of New York]. New York Geological Survey, Annual Report, vol.1 1, 127-149.
De Kay, J.E., 1843. Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna: Part 2-Birds. D. Appleton: Wiley & Putnam, New York, New York.
De Kay, J.E., 1843. Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna: Part 5-Mollusca. D. Appleton: Wiley & Putnam, New York, New York.
Emmons, E., Hall, J., 1843. Communication from Messrs. Emmons and Hall, State Geologists [on the geological survey], N Y Legislature, Documents of the Senate, 66th sess., vol. 2, no. 60 66th sess, vol. Albany, New York.
Hall, J., Redfield, W.C., Rogers, H.D., Silliman, B., 1843. Discussion on Drift Phenomena. American Journal of Science, vol.45, pp.332-333, 1843 45, 332-333.
Hall, J., 1843. Geology of the Region of Niagara Falls. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 1, 52.
Hall, J., 1843. Section on the Shore of Lake Erie. American Journal of Science 45, 327-328.
Hall, J., 1843. Sections at Portage, New York. American Journal of Science 45, 329-330.
