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Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., 1996. Upper Lower Cambrian Depositional Sequence in Avalonian New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 33, 404-417. doi:10.1139/e96-030
Westrop, S.R., Landing, E., Ludvigsten, R., 1981. Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Biostratigraphy, Jasper National Park, Alberta, The Cambrian System in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British Columbia. Guidebook for Field Trip 2. Golden, Colorado.
Westrop, S.R., Landing, E., Ludvigsten, R., 1981. Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Biostratigraphy, Jasper National Park, Alberta, The Cambrian System in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British Columbia. Guidebook for Field Trip 2. Second International Symposium on the Cambrian System. Golden, Colorado, Golden, Colorado.
Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., 1998. Revisions in Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Cambrian of Avalonian North America and Comparisons with Avalonian Britain, in: Landing, E., Westrop, S.R. (Eds.), Avalon 1997-The Cambrian Standard. Third International Field Conference Of The Cambrian Chronostratigraphy Working Group And I.g.c.p. Project 366 (Ecological Aspects Of The Cambrian Radiation). The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 76-87.
Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., 1998. Revisions in Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Cambrian of Avalonian North America and Comparisons with Avalonian Britain, in: Landing, E., Westrop, S.R. (Eds.), Avalon 1997-The Cambrian Standard. Third International Field Conference Of The Cambrian Chronostratigraphy Working Group And I.g.c.p. Project 366 (Ecological Aspects Of The Cambrian Radiation). The University of the State of New York, Albany, New York, pp. 76-87.
